Kingsleigh Equine high performance eco friendly

Dust Suppressant

Kingsleigh Equine

Dust Suppressant

Environmentally Friendly, Non-Corrosive, Dust Control

Kingsleigh DUST SUPPRESSANT is the only Eco-friendly arena dust
control that can eliminate the health hazards caused by dust,
improving the consistency, cushioning and traction of your arena. An application of Kingsleigh DUST SUPPRESSANT will eliminate dust, without wasting your precious water resource, creating a clean-air environment for horse, rider and spectators.

Sizes: 4×4 litre; 20 litre; 210 litre



  • Indoor Arenas
  • Outdoor Arenas
  • Racetracks
  • Laneways
  • Roads

Product Features

  • Non-toxic
  • Salt free, no chlorides
  • Plant based formula using natural polymers
  • Won’t bleed onto clothing from treated surfaces.
  • Economical concentrate
  • Time between applications increases with each application
  • Completely water soluble
Environmentally Friendly
Safe for Horse and Rider